Jul 26, 2021


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[accordion title="Signing up"]

[accordion-item title="I would like to sign up my foal for selection, do I already incur any expenses?"]

No, signing up is free of charge and we quickly respond if we come and view your foal at your home. We organize no selection days.

[accordion-item title="I have signed up my foal. Am I obliged to auction my foal if the committee selects the foal?"]

If and when the committee has viewed the foal and has selected it, we proceed to auction, and you are obliged to offer your foal for sale at the auction.

[accordion-item title="My foal has been selected for the auction, what is next?"]

You will receive an auction contract, together with more information about the video days and the auction. Prior to the auction you will receive an extensive document that details all the preparations for the video days. At the video days we have an entire team at our disposal that ensures your mare and foal look their best in the arena. We write an elaborate promotion text that is available to you during the video days.

[accordion-item title="What are the costs for participation in the auction?"]

The start-up costs are 400 euros excl. BTW, the invoice will be sent after the video days. At the sale of the foal, we charge a commission of 8%, 10% or 12%. Dependent on the price for which the foal is sold.



[accordion title="Purchase"]

[accordion-item title="I have purchased a foal, what’s next?"]

Congratulations! You receive a contract from the auction that you can sign digitally. The day after the auction you receive the invoice that must be paid in full within five days. Afterwards, the organisation will contact you for the delivery of the foal.

[accordion-item title="I have purchased a foal at your auction but live abroad myself, can you help with transport?"]

We are happy to help! We work together with a number of export professionals and jointly we devise a suitable plan. Are you looking for a foal as a stallion prospect or a filly for sport and breeding? Are you curious which foal would match your goals? Our selection committee happily gives you advice and additional information about the auction foals. Please contact the organisation and run your question by the selection committee.

[accordion-item title="From which date can foals be weaned?"]

The foals can be weaned off from 4.5 months of age and must be delivered within two weeks after. Until time of delivery, the risks and expenses are for the breeder. After 4.5 months the risk transfers to the buyer. The foals will be delivered by the breeders at the buyers’ location within the Netherlands. If you are purchasing a foal from abroad the buyer must arrange transportation.

[accordion-item title="I have purchased a foal, but he/she is too young to be delivered, can I come view the foal at home?"]

Of course, we happily provide you with the contact details of the seller!



[accordion title="Interested in foals"]

[accordion-item title="I would like to see the veterinary report, where can I find it?"]

For every foal, the veterinary report is available upon request via annelou@veulenveilingborculo.nl

[accordion-item title="I have some questions about a number of foals, can I consult the selection committee?"]

We are happy to help! You can reach us via info@veulenveilingborculo or 0031-62129320 and we connect you to the right person.

[accordion-item title="Where can I find the 180-degree videos of the foals?"]

Go to the relevant foal on the website, click on ‘view 180-degree video’, fill in your email address and you immediately have access to the video.

[accordion-item title="Are the foals insured?"]

The foals can be insured via EFO. The foals that have priorly been insured at EFO are covered up till the day of delivery. Interested in an insurance? Please let us know and we immediately make arrangements.

[accordion-item title="Can I view the foals prior to the auction?"]

That is certainly possible! In addition to the extensive footage on our website, we are happy to provide you with the contact details of the breeders. They present the foals at home to give you an even better impression of the foal.

[accordion-item title="What are the selection standards for the Borculo foals?"]

Foals that have been selected for the auction go through a strict selection process. This is how we select the talents for the future:

  • A pedigree with lots of sport and proven achievements
  • Foals with a good movement mechanism and three solid gaits
  • Correct leg positions and our selectors have an eye for conformation
  • A certified veterinarian checks the foals twice prior to the auction



[accordion title="Online bidding"]

[accordion-item title="I would like to register for online bidding, how does it work?"]

On this page we have provided a comprehensive overview of the registration process. Do you encounter problems? Please contact our helpdesk via 0031-621293120.

[accordion-item title="Will my name be published next to my bids?"]

Naturally, we find privacy very important and for that reason we do not publish your name next to your bids. Did you know you can keep an eye on the foals in a personal overview? Add the foals to your list of favorites and follow the bidding closely. You will also receive an email when a bid is placed.





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