May 18, 2021

The auction season starts early for Foal Auction Borculo. As of today, the collection for the Early Summer auction is online. 18 jumper and dressage foals and 3 embryos are shining bright in the brand-new collection. The auction is online and ends on the 3rd of June. After last year’s success, the team of the auction could not wait until the new foal season.

Top quality
Nol Gerritsen and Wouter Plaizier selected a selection dressage foals of absolute top quality. Movements, presence, interesting pedigree and correctness are the essential traits that a good foal must possess according to the duo. Wouter Plaizier: “Obviously, the foal is the first we have a look at. However, we find the dam to be equally important. Everything is hereditary and therefore the dam must be of above-average quality as well. We can safely say we succeeded. We have gathered a collection of dressage foals that makes us very enthusiastic.”

Correct foals with lots of sports
Pieter-Jan Berkers and Floris van Leuken together form the selection committee for the showjumpers. Both men bring a wealth of experience in their search for correct foals that have lots of sport in the damline. The sire must also be interesting from a commercial point of view. Floris: “We cannot say it was easy to find the true ‘Borculo foals’. We have travelled many kilometers to find the right foals. There is plenty on the supply side, but we think the foals must have that little bit extra. Giving in on quality is something we definitely did not want. These top foals and interesting embryos make for a collection that is up to our standards.”

Offspring of Chacco Blue, Cornet Obolensky, Aganix du Seigneur Z, Fontaine TN, Kjento, Sir Donnerhall and more fill the collection of the Early Summer Auction. The entire collection can be found here.

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