Feb 25, 2021

The first foals have been born and consequently, the auction season is opened. After the enormous success of the online auction in 2020 and because of the large demand in foals, the organisation decided to start their auctions earlier in the season. Thursday, 3rd of June 2021, Foal Auction Borculo kicks off with an online auction. The Early Summer Auction is an exclusive selection of dressage and jumper foals.

Online auction
Annelou de Man: “Last year there was great interest in the ‘Borculo foals’. Besides, we also received many applications for foals that were born early in the year. If these are selected for an auction in August, some foals are seven months of age at delivery. Since there is supply and demand we jumped in on this with our auction. The Early Summer Auction is an online edition. We hope we can organize a physical event again for the Elite auction in August. However, uncertainties remain due to the current measurements. We are happy to organise two editions this year and have proved we are a strong online player.”

Record amounts
The enormous success of 2020 was driven by an excellent selection of foals. Pascoe (by Le Formidable) was the top seller of the auction. After a thrilling bidding duel, the exquisite mover stayed in the Netherlands for 105.000 euros. An average of €15.100,- ensured that the dressage auction of Foal Auction Borculo will be remembered as one of the most successful editions. The jumper foals were equally able to draw an international crowd. On average they yielded €10.800,-, proving that foals bred on Dutch soil are in popular demand.

Selection committee
As in previous years, a quartet of experts will hit the road to select the very best foals out of lineages filled with sport and predicates. Nol Gerrtisen, Wouter Plaizier, Floris van Leuken and Pieter Jan Berkers are responsible for the selection and already travelled their first kilometres in search of the best foals. It is now possible to sign up foals for the auction via this link.

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